Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First morning in L.A.

So, it's lovely here in Huntington Beach at 7:45 am. We got in last night to my auntie and uncle's house around 6ish, ate an awesome dinner (talked about how my grandma was more impressed by the Corn Palace in South Dakota than Mount Rushmore), then unpacked a little bit and went to sleep. It's great to not have to rifle through my suitcase. When we drove in yesterday, we ended up in Santa Monica--and then had to drive south to get to Huntington Beach, which is on the other end of L.A. Traffic at 5:00 in the afternoon is no picnic, let me tell you. I would say that it ties with Hawaii traffic at rush hour. Good thing we had a ridiculous amount of snackage to get us through that hard time. Hah. By the way, we didn't quite make it to "the Grand Canyon" (showman voice)...we were tired of driving and that would have been 5 extra hours in the car, back up interstate 15. We are saving that trip for later. Isn't it great how just because something is in the same half of the country as where you are, suddenly in your mind it's super accessible? "Oh, yeah, we will just go to the --insert attraction here, Grand Canyon, Oregon coast, etc-- some weekend when we are bored." I love it.

Today we are up early, due to the lovely people who came to mow the lawn at 7:30. Cooooool. We are going to drive around a little bit and try to look at some apartments. I think getting an apartment will be the last thing to make this move real. Well, that and a job. More on that later. Eech.

Alright, time to greet the day (really, I'm not a morning person).


  1. Let's meet at the Grand Canyon sometime....I'm always up for a roadtrip!

  2. I'm bummed that I'm leaving as soon as you make it to this coast...but I want to visit you on one of my breaks!!! Miss you!!!
