There have been fires raging in California lately and they've been a little too close for comfort. Around 11:00 last night I was confused by the thought that someone had started a bonfire nearby and just wanted some smores. Then I used my brain and realized that it was from the fire that has been raging for the past couple of days. Thank you deductive reasoning.
Now it's catch-up time.
Erica and I have been enjoying our new place. We are still chairless, which makes some things difficult. Like wanting to sit at the table and work. We go to Trader Joe's alot--maybe too much. I think we are starting to get recognized, so we probably should cool it.
Yesterday was a good day. Alicia suggested that I go to the Printer's Museum in Carson, because it looked cool and was on Seven Pounds. It was so great. Even better because it was the weekend where they had the Printer's Fair. How serendipitous. So I dragged Erica out there with me and it was great. I got some free posters (letterpress, so fabulous), bought some OTIS grad student work and talked to some vendors. It made me want to go back to school and get a graduate degree...
Ze fair. It was only 105 degrees that day.
I got my name made on the linotype machine. I think I scared Erica with my excitement.
Type love.
Mom, Dad, these are for sale.
Please notice bowler hat guy.
Gutenberg Press demonstration. Printed a page from the Gutenberg Bible.
Mr. Plaid shirt brought his own baggie of taffy.
Queen of the Printer's Fair. I accept.
After we left the fair, we went to Chronic Tacos in Huntington Beach and got ourselves some grub. Best shrimp tacos. Bahhhh. Also, it was in the 90s in Huntington that day, which sad to say, felt a little chilly to me, after living in triple digits for the past week. How sad is that? I'm going to get frostbite when I go home to Hawaii and its in the 70s in Kaneohe.
Today we went to the beach and it was glorious. Got there early, got a great parking space, saw some dolphins, ran out of sunscreen, got hit in the face with a couple waves, survived kelp attacks, ate some pineapple (we went to Trader Joe's on our way out of Pasadena. I told you we needed to cool it), started reading Pride and Prejudice for the umpteenth time (I feel like I'm getting stupider, from my lack of brain stimulation. Tomorrow I will have done a page of math problems...or maybe just a Sudoku puzzle. Level: easy). The sun sucked all the life and energy out of me. The feeling you get of eating pizza after swimming can never be topped. End of story.

This is now the color of my skin. Pantone 186. Coated.
I love the pantone ending. Especially Coated. :)
ReplyDeleteand by enjoy you mean, breaking out in a sweat just watching TV even with the AC on. mmhmmm.
ReplyDeletejeans and leggings probably weren't the smartest choices we made to go to the printer's fair in. dressing appropriately [for the weather] seems to be somewhat of an issue for me.
you know it's bad when the guy from chronic tacos remembered who we are and that we moved to pasadena. and the last time we saw him was almost a month ago. go us.
so when you say you want to go back to graduate school... you mean you are going to graduate school... in memphis. right??