Yay, with lots of free time this week, it's the perfect time for me to figure out my new planter boxes my Grandpa built for me. Yesterday Mom and I went out to Lowe's to get supplies. We got netting to line the bottom, a bag of river rocks (30 lbs, what??), a big bag of potting soil, 2 pots of rosemary, 2 pots of basil, one big pot of cherry tomatoes, one of parsley and one of spearmint. This morning I went to Koolau Farmers and got one cilantro and one oregano. I got the last cilantro at Koolau Farmers, and would still like to get one or two more. Yum.
So I started putting everything together this morning and I ran out of potting soil. Lame. I even went back and added more river rocks on the bottom, which was quite a feat, considering there was tons of soil already on top. But, good thing I lined the bottom with netting, so I could just grab both sides of the net, lift it up, and put it in the other box while I added more rocks. Genius moment. I had to go under the house to grab cement blocks to put under the planters and was randomly glad that we don't have bats down there. Under the house is a scary, dank place. Sad to think that I used to want to make that my "hangout spot" when I was younger.

The cherry tomato plant will go in a separate planter, given its "take over everything" mentality. But I still need soillllllllllllllllllll.
I hope these plants don't die. I don't necessarily have a good track record with growing things.