Well, I took my Mom to the airport this morning. She came in early early Saturday morning and we went back to my apartment and slept. After taking a little nap, we went to Fair Oaks Soda Fountain, on the corner of Fair Oaks and Mission, for lunch. It was cute. We thought it would be a quick sit down place to eat but we were wrong. Our waiter was...interesting--some memorable quotes were,
-Waiter: "I like the pasta salad more than the potato salad."
Me: "Oh, is it that much better?"
Waiter: "Well, I don't like potatoes."
Me: "Then I'll take the potato salad."
-Waiter: "The food's not that great." (or something to that effect)
After about sitting at an outside table for 2 hours (yes, we were there that long) and witnessing a fender bender, we let out a sigh of relief and drove to the Citadel outlets, which was a little anticlimactic--lots of stores, but not many interesting ones. Oh! But! Bonus, my Mom bought this for me. Whooohooooooo!

Sunday, we went to Mosaic, a church that has multiple locations throughout Los Angeles. It was cool--pretty chill, people wearing jeans, t-shirts, slippers. It was chillllay and Mom was cold. But so was I. Then we went to the Getty. And oh it was great. Great art, great gardens, I was in heaven.
Portrait of Jeanne Kefer by Fernand Khnopff
Sunrise by Monet
The weather has been so perfect. Brisk. Sunny. Wonderfullll. Monday we went to Hollywood so Mom could see the hands in the concrete and the stars in the sidewalk.
Mom and her American Idol
At Grauman's Chinese Theater
How festive.
After spending time in Hollywood, we went to Exposition Park and walked around a little bit. There was tons to do there but we just went to the Rose Garden and walked through the bottom lobby of the California Science Center. I had a not-so-secret ulterior motive for going to the Rose Garden. So I'm kind of a Bones fanatic. And once I found out that the opening shot for the lab was filmed in the Rose Garden, I had to go. Here it is. If you don't watch Bones, you should. That's all.
In the gift shop
Tuesday, we went to Griffith Observatory and just...observed. It is becoming one of my favorite places.
Mom on the roof
Mom with Einstein
Tuesday night, we went down to Huntington Beach and had dinner with my aunt and uncle and cousin that Erica and I stayed with when we first got to L.A. Thought we would be able to go to IKEA down there on the way back to Pasadena, but that was a no-go, on account of everyone being so talky-talky.
Mom left this morning and continued on her way to Oklahoma to visit with her mom, my Grandma Lolly.
And now my mini-vacation (as if what I've been doing for the past couple months doesn't count) is over. Hello freelance projects and job searching.